The Return  

Posted by Aayush

10:13 AM. Bangalore, India

Back in India.

It is raining!

The flight back was a culmination of disasters. First, we got seats in the tail. Which means that the damn plane vibrates even when it's stationary. Secondly, the in-flight entertainment system died at London. So all we had to look at was an image of clouds. For 9 hrs. Third, the wonderful airline food. Vivek heard the host say fish fry (We were both conjuring up images of large pieces of juicy, sumptuous fish, bathed in the freshest curd, marinated in mysterious spices from the coasts, fried to a crispy brown perfection) when it really was fish pie (Fish in muck). Gross.

Fortunately, he and I figured out why this was happening to us; so that our warm beds would feel more comfortable, our TV would be more entertaining and most importantly, the wife's cooking would taste like food for the Gods. And it did.

Have a couple of days to un-jet-lag before we hit Linux again. Advanced, no less. Cannot wait to get started on actual work.

Recommended listening : Fake It - Seether


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